Welton Family Feedback
Parent and Carer Survey 2022
The responses from each year group represented approximately 20% of the overall responses. As a whole school, we had responses from approximately 24% of the community invited to respond.
What happens next
The Governing Body have formed a working party with school leaders, to consider the outcomes of the survey and identify ways forward.
Themes of Feedback
The survey provided our community with the opportunity to give examples and details of what parents and carers would find helpful, what the school can do to support them and help us understand what is important to our families. The working party analysis and evaluation found that school closure, disruption of Covid and the prioritisation of a recovery curriculum has led to some of the things important to the school community being less evident. Happily these things are already changing. The working party has identified the following areas for celebration (vast majority agree): children are happy at school; children feel safe; the school has high expectations, children do well at school.
The main themes for development are:
- More opportunities for PE, Music, Drama, creative subjects, school visits and themes days
- More extracurricular opportunities—both PE and Creative
- More information on the curriculum the children are being taught each half-term
- More information on how parents can support learning at home in relation to the current learning and themes, including homework
- More opportunities to talk to the class teacher to find out about their child’s progress and learning
What we have done
- Formed a Governor and school leader working party
- We are holding half termly theme days across all the curriculum areas
- We are participating in all the partnership after school sports events and have added cricket, table tennis, rounders and line ball to the break time choices
- The long term plans for every year group are now available on the website, these tell you what topic is being taught each half-term in each subject, in each year
- The books the children are reading and studying each half-term are now available on the website
- Organise school visits or school visitors to enhance the curriculum
What we will do next
- We will meet with the school staff to share the feedback from our community
- After half-term, we will re-introduce creative context
- The new long term plans include the visits and visitors that will be taking place in 2022-2023 to enhance the curriculum offer
- We will use private external providers to offer a wider range of extracurricular activities
- We have produced a new report format
- We will produce half—termly advice on how to support your child with the learning related to the themes and topics being taught
- We are reviewing the PE provision to identity where and how this can be strengthened
- We will work with the teaching team to provide timely and accessible opportunities for parents to be informed about the progress of their child and ways they can support with specific areas of learning if necessary
- Continue to add information about what the children are being taught to the school’s website
- Facilitate opportunities for parents to share ideas on topics that are important to the school community
How will you know what changes are taking place
- We will use parent mail to signpost you to additions on the school website and where to look
- We will provide updates in the school newsletters
- Leaders will be available at the beginning of the day, near the school gate, to talk and help
- We will use school and year group Twitter feeds to remind you of important events